Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Exactly ...

I mean Shadowheart specificly tells us that once the parasite will be dealth with, we will go our separate ways ...
IF every companion feels that way, wich we dont know since Shadowheart is for some unknown reason the only person in the whole Faerun we could ask what will she do after. O_o

That "commitment" could just as easily mean that after finishing Act 1 we will follow our choosen Origin character (singular intended) in his, or hers story ... and let EVERYONE ELSE go their way.
We will meet other companions and will be able to switch them in and out freely ... still we will be commited to that chosen Origin character. :P

I doubt that you'll only be able to follow one of the Origin characters.
Unless the Origin stories are long and very different from each other, that would be even worse than what they did in Original Sin II.

Also, considering that...
Every "solution" to removing the parasites has been a wild-goose chase.
The game is only supposed to have three acts according to the FAQ.
It mentions "the adventure" not "adventures" in the FAQ.
...I'd say the characters will be stuck with the parasites for a long time, and none of the characters will be leaving without some catalyst.

Not only that, but I think that the context of what was said in the FAQ makes the meaning of the words abundantly clear.

"Is your party permanent or can you change members out throughout the adventure?
Recruited companions will be at camp when not in the adventuring party, and can be swapped in and out at camp. After the first act however you are going to have to commit, also just like in real life."

The question deals with being able to swap members in and out of the party throughout the adventure.
Right after saying that you can swap companions in and out of the party, it says "however", meaning that what's said after is contrasting with the previous statement.
So, after the first act, there won't be anymore party member swapping (so there won't be any new companions to swap with after the first act either), and you'll have to commit to whatever party you have.

Last edited by EliasIncarnation; 25/10/21 04:57 AM.