"boring" would not be the correct word. But i think i know your feeling.

What i would like to know is your feeling during the first time you ventured here. Still boring? After clearing this for the 50th time it IS really boring. Having read the novels of drizzt and the Series around Pharaun i know how the Underdark should feel. I fear reproducing this in a game is difficult. Most of the time characters without
Darkvision would be blind, making light or sound would draw monsters to you in no time. characters on our levels would be dead within minutes.

So i see this as a part of the Upper-Underdark, and a harmless, less frequented part at that. Lots of light, still a lot of noise to hide our sounds. And a little boring laugh. I would love to find a deeper part later in the game that really makes my heart race and force me to hit F5 every minute or so out of fear to die smile