Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Of course i want level 5 ...
Just not now ... right now i want them to finish previous 4 levels, and when they are DONE and i mean actualy done, not done by saying "this is all we are going to implement for theese" ...

Then its time for level 5, but not sooner.

I can't really say if i agree or not. I guess that depends laugh. If we stay at lvl 4, fix all problems, get new problems with lvl 5 that could have been avoided with an ealier raise of the cap, then no. If, after removing the issues we now have we go on and fix stuff above the cap without too many problems, i would agree, no matter how much i would love lvl 5 +.

Guesswork...so regarding this we can only wait and see if larians plan works out. "we told you so" threads will show up in both cases.

My only fear is how long this will take if we continue with this pace and that everything becoes rushed the closer we get to release. I would rather have everything so that we can at least help clear up the most grievious stuff. Having really big bugs of gamebreaking errors after release is not good.

And (i said this elsewhere already): Larian has a lot of paying and willing testers with a lot of knowledge on D&D 5e mechanics and lore at hand and they hardly use them. If i were larian i would use them, they bought the game anyway already. So having a finshed "bug-free" game to release would be the way to go, marketing wise.

The better the game is at release, the more people will buy. May sound a bit simplified but thats the crux of it.