Originally Posted by Zarna
and then more information given with a Religion check or if your character is a cleric.
I've seen this suggested in the thread before but, please, keep in mind that there is a mechanic to give some class a bonus on some checks, it is the proficiencies. it would be rather unfair not to let everyone check, especially since you can make a priest which is not proficient in religion

Originally Posted by colinl8
Originally Posted by JandK
Is further in evidence by the fact that no one in the setting *treats* it as a dead-give-away.

In many circumstances that would be a compelling argument. Certainly if this were real life it would an ironclad argument. But what's being suggested is the behavior of the npcs in this world is an error, given the other available information.

And I think it doesn't matter what the intention is with the characters. If the players who know the lore are bewildered by her appearance and how people react to it, her appearance and/or other characters' reactions should change
to be fair, I reached level 4 in the early access in duo with shadowheart both naked from start to finish, with cats familiars using disguise self to be naked too, just out of curiosity... no npc reacted at any point, only the kids came to get a closer look at my cats that looked like a naked golden dwarf, which was a bit unsettling... but nothing else. so, if at some point npc will react to our clothing, or lack thereof, this is not implemented yet.

Last edited by auriejir; 28/10/21 12:08 PM.