Originally Posted by Blackheifer
One of the many things I appreciate about Larian is that they don't do a lot of hand holding, but they greatly reward the curious-minded and they leave the information you need lying around. They leave books all around that explain various concepts - including Shar - you just have to take a moment to read them.

I reject the laziness of modern gamers that seem to require an endless amount of exposition. The standard of truly good writing is to show, rather than tell. In a twist of irony the books that litter the game would qualify as showing, as they are not delivered as dialogue per se but are part of the background history of this world.

If you do not have the patience for this game, designed as an intricately detailed RPG with a world full of clues, signs, stories, hints, and visual cues that tell you everything you need to know then I would invite you to go play retail WoW - Blizzard/Activision is more than happy - these days - to cater to the lowest common denominator of brain-dead player that wants an easy to walk, path polished, boring 'interactive experience'.

I stole a note from Kagha, discovered she was shadow druid and exposed her.
There was zero hand holding for this and I clearly accomplished it and DID NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT WAS GOOD.

Shar and SH is different.
If I had to discover who shar is and expose Shadowheart? NOOOOO PROBLEEEEEEEEM.

Instead the game ASSUMES I know shar and ASSUMES my character will be outraged by Shar.
I have a literaly bug elf trying to murder me and a vampire that is trying to murder me.
Shar worshippers? Who cares!

The only reference early in the game is about Shar being a memory stealing goddess. Big whoop.
In 12 pages of conversation not one person has explained why Shar worshipping is worse than Vampires, Mindflayers or Githyanki assassins.
This is a failure on a narrative level.

If you don't think so then go play Fallout 76. I hear its a narrative marvel with all those audio files laying around the map. /s

Last edited by Eddiar; 28/10/21 02:37 PM.