Originally Posted by robertthebard
You're right, it's not. It's about how a reaction that some players will find perfectly logical being in a dialog, where the OP is acting like it's the only option available. As I said, if they don't have knowledge for a choice to make sense, they should choose a different option. There is information provided that a player can get before they ever have the discussion, that should be enough to let them know if that's appropriate or not. If it's given any other way that's not the narrator spoon feeding it, it won't be adequate, because if they couldn't read the book, and draw an inference of "Good" or "Bad", they won't understand something else they have to read, even if a hyperlink is added to "Shar" in the dialog. It's going to be another case of "Why should I have to have any baseline knowledge, that's the DM's job"...

The only option that would really make sense for someone who doesn't know about Shar doesn't exist.
"I don't even know who Shar is" maybe with an option to ask "What's so bad about her?" would probably solve the problem.

Now, if Larian decides that it doesn't make sense for a character to not know about Shar, and that it's out of character for Shadowheart to preach about her, that's fine, but there should be a good way for the player to learn more without having to look through every bookshelf and book pile hoping to find the book they need (if I'm correct, none of the books in the ruins are about Selune and Shar, and instead, the only books mentioning Shar there are about a Cleric of Shar).
Not only that, but most players likely won't even know that they should find a book before getting Shadowheart to say that she follows Shar.

Whether the Narrator mentions why Shar isn't liked, or a link in the dialogue explains, the game should try to get players up to speed before the player chooses an option regarding Shadowheart and Shar.

Last edited by EliasIncarnation; 31/10/21 05:07 PM.