Originally Posted by Sozz
Based on what she says I don't think there's any misinformation going on about Shar from Shadowheart.

The thing about the chapel, I'm not sure when it was constructed, is there an implication it was made before the reboot? All the old Jergal priests kept it there for when...things happen. This might be datamined stuff I'm not privy too.

And I don't think having Shadowheart lie to us about who she worships, isn't very different from what we get now, where it's a non-issue. I think because they want this Shar reveal to happen pretty early it would get in the way of that too. They want us to have a sympathetic voice for Shar in the party, and they want it there for us to deal with early.

As soon as we get more of the less morally compromised companions, I think her reveal might become a bigger deal for the player and the party, maybe

Yeah I was trying to find a point in time to get the shar intro and have a chance for Shadowheart to lie to us to justify the dialogue line we get later "You lied to me!" when she never did.