Originally Posted by Big_hat
I had/have no idea who Shar was/is. When the big reveal came, I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "So? Is this God really that bad? Are they like a Bane, Bhaal, Lolth type of God?" So I just went with the most neutral response. The game does need a better job of explaining who Shar is. All I knew was that Shar and Selune hated each other... And I have no idea who Selune is either, other than she's good? Because she opposes Shar?
Indeed. It is perfectly reasonable that not every person playing this game will be an FR lore-loving person like me. The problem here is very much how the Larian writers have written the game. And I can't help but wonder if it is because the writers themselves are completely clueless about all of this FR lore. Maybe they're sincerely big D&D fans, but that doesn't mean they're FR fans and very knowledgeable about FR lore. So their focus maybe on making a "good D&D game," which is not the same as making a "good FR game," which is what I am looking for and expecting in a BG game.