Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
Originally Posted by Dexai
Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
You are comparing the numbers of a table top game to a video game. Those are two different fan bases with different numbers in different platforms. You say that the majority have not asked for 5e RAW which I agree, especially if you look at Reddit but there seems so be some here in these forums that do. I also agree that some may want more 5e type rules but there are those that want exact 5e rules at least in how I have seen it. If I'm wrong in that assumption then I'm wrong but as of right now that's how it seems.

You're wrong. This is a strawman you have built in your head.

Then do care to explain if you know so much.
Explain what? We've been over this hundreds of times in this forum. Every time somebody says that they want the game to be more like 5e or that 5e is better in some way there's always somebody like you who disingenuously reinterprets this as "it must be 5e raw by the letter no exceptions". The whole derail in this thread about whether or not Larian said "based on 5e" or "like 5e" was caused by you and Ragnarok doing exactly that at the page 1-2 break, like so:

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
This game was never suppose to be litteral transcript of tabletop rules, as Swen told us multiple times in countless occasions ...
Some people still presumed it will be. :-/ I feel for them, but that will be probably all. :-/

I hope someone will create proper DnD mod fo you tho. wink

Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
This game was never suppose to be litteral transcript of tabletop rules, as Swen told us multiple times in countless occasions ...
Some people still presumed it will be. :-/ I feel for them, but that will be probably all. :-/

I hope someone will create proper DnD mod fo you tho. wink

Exactly, I don't know how much clearer Swen has to make himself. He actually said that BG3 is meant to be "first and foremost" a video game in an interview from last year. In a recent interview with Eurogamer, a month ago, Swen even said that they can't do everything in tabletop DnD or they will never finish the game because that would require more people to be hired. In the gaming industry, you have a deadline and things need to be done before then. He also said that they have been given the freedom (most likely from WOTC) as with previous BG games to do what they want with this game.

This is pure strawmanning. You are arguing against a point that you've built in your heads, and that is not representative of what GM4 actually argued. What's worse is, I even think GM4 made this thread more or less directly after the exact same thing happened in the food topic last night:

Originally Posted by GM4Him
Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
Originally Posted by GM4Him
If I play chess, and someone changes the rules so pawns can now move in any direction, and rooks can now move diagonally, and kings can now move any number of squares, am I still playing chess?

That said, if you say to the person you are playing against, "But those are just optional rules. You don't HAVE to play it that way. I am, but you don't have to. It's up to you if you want to challenge yourself that way or not."

Do you think the other player is going to not use the new rules when the entire game is now designed around the new rules?

Comparing chess to dnd is apples and oranges. Chess has a set of rules where you HAVE to play that way or else you can't play the game. In DnD the rules are there as a guide. If not a guide and you HAVE to play 5e the way it is, then homebrew rules would not exist.

I am actually not opposed to homebrew rules, believe it or not. What I disapprove of is changing 5e rules to things that don't make sense from a balance and realism standpoint.

For example, I don't have a big problem with them making potions a Bonus action. I'd prefer them to be an Action because once you make them a Bonus then the Rogue's Fast Hands special ability becomes almost pointless. One of the main points of them having that special trait is because Rogues do things faster than most others. Make potions Bonus for everyone and Rogues become less special.

These are the kinds of homebrews that are ruining the game from a balance perspective and making things less special. Food as a healing item ruins the entire point of potions. You can eat them as Bonus, no matter how ridiculously big, and they can heal just as much or more.

They should be items meant for survival, not healing, so that healing potions aren't completely negated.

And I apologise if I am being overly combative here, but having to always defend oneself against this strawman as soon as one brings up how BG would benefit from being more like 5e in any way is exhausting my patience. There's has been, since BG3 went into EA and joined these forums, maybe a single guy or two who has insisted that they want 5e exactly raw in every way, and I don't think either of them are still active here any more. They are certainly not representative of the forums enough to even matter in a generalisation of it. It only "seems like that's how it is here on the forums" to you because that's how you interpret it whenever somebody brings up 5e rules as a reference at all.

Optimistically Apocalyptic