You can give people the information as much as you like; if they don't want to read it, don't want to listen to, or don't wish to accept it, then there is nothing else you can really do to further the conversation.

The common people know about Shar; they know what her iconography looks like; they can recognise it on sight, at least to a basic degree, even if they are a common farmer who has lived their entire life in the dessarin valley.

This is factual; it was part of a realms-shaking event, and Shar was a big figure in it. The definitions of those events include a basic level of wide-spread awareness of them - everyone, even po-dunk farmers, has a basic level of this understanding at minimum - trying to argue or claim that they might not, or that it is not obvious at a certain basic level just makes a person look ignorant of the source material.

This has been pointed out multiple times - the folks who wish to argue against it are simply ignoring it, waiting for a page or two to pass, and then asserting the contrary again. This conversation is likely not a productive use of anyone's time any more, at this point.