Originally Posted by Seleniumcodec
Watched this thread for days and tried to hold off getting annoyed, this isn't the Witcher or Call of Duty it is a turn based game by an indie team who have done a fantastic job and created their own fan base of which I am one, yes the sky may not move or everything sparkles, if you want sparkles go and watch twilight, for me it's the the thought process you have to have before each battle and the shear complexity of survival, which is far beyond any of those games you have in your minds. They make games for thinkers not fans of splat-a-tat-tat crap, they make a game that I can be at home working and leave alone whilst I make sure a patient is OK or go make dinner, but still come back and feel challenged too which is an amazing bonus in 2021. How about do something more constructive as you obviously do like the game and report faults by screenshots and help them create the game you want instead of just chat it.

Strange post. Thanks for pointing out that this isn't The Witcher or Call of Duty, I was almost confused for a minute there. Any game that has a save function you can come back to at any time at your convenience, this really isn't a unique tenet.

Go and watch Twilight? BG3 certainly took a leaf from that series with both a Vampire and
Werewolf(according to datamining)

It's kind of hard to report feedback via screenshots for several of the issues much maligned in this game, for example: no day/night cycle, no weather, too much homebrew, the lack of coherency in the storyline, the theme park map, etc etc. That's why we discuss things in the forum. I'm not sure a photo of the permanent midday sunlit lands of BG3 would convey that I'd like to see some nighttime too.

Last edited by Etruscan; 14/11/21 11:04 PM.