Some of the companions in WotR piss me off like paladins with the one dimentional world views. Overly "good" with a neutral tag made me scratch my head at times like the half green dude that grinds on me. That being said there is a enough diversity of personality regardless what path you choose.

BG3 has 4 total doochers that I cannot wait to push in a ditch. SH, Lae'zel, wyll and Gale.

SH is a nihilistic douchbag and has a personality of someone I know, can literally turn ice cream sour just by looking at it. Yeah yeah secrets and stuff but there is no need to be a total dick about everything. That condescending tone when she says to you while doing the the head wobble "we have been though quite alot with plenty more to come , care to narrow it down a little?" just makes you want to smack her in the gob. BAM!!! Clear enough bitch?

Lae'zel is a zealot and has nothing interesting to say in EA. Simply DO IT THIS WAY!! GRRRR CRESHE GRRRR. How about no? Why are you here you are a bloody Githyanki fighter? GiThYaNkI do NOT mix with outer races in the forgotten realms they are mad. Voice acting is good though.

Wyll has got to be the worst of the bunch for me. He is a liar, hypocrite and so self important his head must have the gravity of a small moon. We can share the glory....how about you keep your glory on your way out the door you insufferable twat? I don't really know much of his story because the first encounter was enough for me. I mean it is a bit weird to me that everyone on the ship just goes "we need to find a healer" and auto-paths (badly) to the druid camp. Yeah and Wyll has "conditions" applied to him agreeing to join you. No mate I have been speaking to you for 15 seconds and you are already giving me the "egotisic paladin vibe". No such thing as a devil bound "good" warlock, what does he want to do with the kids anyway? Probably sell them to Geffory Epstine for trip to the island. No means no Bill Clinton.

Gale is a walking paradox and while his personality is somewhat okay his backstory is like Eh? A level one wizard prodigy that sleeps with gods and has a magic sucking nuke he got from a interdimsional book in an attempt to double dip his wick again? Yeah and has a scroll that can cure the tadpole but he has to die and drag you though a bunch of nonsense.....pass. Seriously?

The only character with "real" reactions to stuff is Astarion and he makes me laugh occasionally. Like when you get the Zombie wand and the woman is crying and he says something like "I don't know what she expected making a deal with a Hag" and you say "it was pretty funny though" before laughing saying "yeah it was".

I mean I can forgive a bit of bad storytelling in WotR simply because they have worked in like 9 mythic paths (no idea not finished one yet) with different story arcs in a game that takes 50 hours to get out of the character creator. You couldn't speed the prologue in WotR as fast as act 1 in BG3.

Now lets take BG3 story. Act 1 Tadpole - healer 1 fail - healer 2 fail - healer 3 fail - healer 4 fail - healer 5 fail - healer 6 fail but go do a bunch stuff based on really loose hypothetical conjecture because "reasons" and I maybe able to figure out.....can I just be a mindflayer instead mate I don't care anymore. Act 2 "we still need to find a bloody healer!!!"