Originally Posted by UnknownEvil
Originally Posted by Blackheifer

Instead of clearly explaining your experience and thoughts you complain that I don't understand you - and you use a lot of words to do it. This is extraordinarily funny to me.

I mean it confirms my assessment, but it's pretty funny. Also, am I detecting just a hint of "tall poppy syndrome" in there?

By the way, how do you misspell 'Experience' FOUR times in a row?

I did. You just ignore it. And ofc i use a lot of words. Ususally works to not be misunderstood. You seem to be an exception.

That you think this funny and reference to the "tall poppy syndrome" underscores pretty much all that i thought and wrote, thank you for that.

And since you now start using a typing error to get the upper hand in this discussion, shows pretty clearly what kind of person you are. I am not a native english speaker and have been writing experience like this since...always. Thanks for pointing it out, even though

the way you did it was petty.

Your answers go in a direction that i do not really care about anymore. You are resistant to arguments and pretty ignorant to others opinions. So i will stop answering here. You can now gloat on your "I am right" or i "have won thoughts". Have a cookie!

Ok, have a lovely day! It's been funny.
