Rebells are still freedom fighters and Empire is still Space Nazis ... But also Rebells are in fact just terorists, and Empire (no matter how strict) is still legal goverment.
I was thinking that you are criticising the "mastery in everything" kind of attitude that KotOR bringed.
I dont think that "bad is not necesarily bad" is wrong attitude ... After all perspectives of things being bad or wrong are changing over time, that is how our society i evolving in general matter ... thinks like gender or religion prejustice, racism, or slavery was just several decades moraly okey, since society concidered them normal, and today we concider them being bad ...
I dont want to imply that our fathers and grandfathers was easy ... But one have to objectively agreed that plot in stories back then was to say at least "not much complex".
Sure, in old stories there was allways "evil sorcerer" or "evil king" or "evil race" ... but society moved from there, now people are asking why would that "evil *XY*" do what he did ... And just "because they are evil" is no longer acceptable. :P
After all, if i remember corectly even you were complaining that you would like to see some better reasons for our characters for acting evil, than "just being evil". :P
So i think this isnt matter of Star Wars, nor DnD ... that is just society evolving and genre reflecting that evolution.
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 08/01/2204:47 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!