Sorry to revive this thread, but I was googling to see if I could find how certain armours in game would look once on my character, without having to buy it first, and stumbled across the previews, and this post, and just wanted to say I wholeheartedly agree. What is it with all the extra flashy bits? Why is there so much leather in the scale? so much cloth in the chain? So much fancy stuff in the plate? Can we just get cool, functional looking armour, please? Why can the plate not just be like the half-plate, but whole-plate? Why can the maille not just be maille?

You ever seen Henry VIIIs jousting armour from when he got fat? That's Plate +2 right there, it's functional, it's sleek, but it's got just a little bit of gold trim and jousting pauldrons to make it look flashy.

In fact, here:

1100 - chainmail

1330 - splint

1400 - half-plate

1450 - plate

just give us some form of version of this.