Originally Posted by Topgoon
However, in my experience, while bursting her down on the top floor is the easiest, it does not provide the best rewards. To get the stat boost, you need her to surrender, and only the version* of her in the lair does that. Furthermore, at least in Patch 6, you can get different awards depending on what you do once she surrenders (probably a bug)

- If you intimidate her into giving you extra powers AND let Mayrina go, you get only the +1 STR consumable.

- If you let her HAVE Maryina after beating her, you get the +1 STR consumable, and also a quest award pops-up that lets you choose another +1 of any stat).

So while it's more difficult to go through her lair and fight the lair version of her (who has more tricks), right now in the EA you can get 2 more stats out of it. I also really like that rest is restricted now in your lair - really creates a sense of urgency (although I'm not sure what happens if you backtrack and go rest) and challenge.

Interesting. This is news to me. I had to kill her to end the fight, even in the lair. She's never offered to surrender.