Cute ...
But i would really like to hear how is this case different, if you dont mind telling me.

In left corner we have stupid, awfull and idiotic game design that requires player to self-restrain themselves while keeping people who dont want to be restrained to play smoothly and easily ...

In right corner we have intelligent, brillitant and perfect game desing that restrict player only as long as they want to keep restricted themselves and all that is required to bypass it is simply invest few dozen seconds ...

And my question stay unanswered ...
Where is the difference? laugh

Originally Posted by Tuco
Chess wouldn't be chess is players would be allowed to change a piece moveset at will when he's in a tight spot.
Funny you mentioned Chess, wich (aswell as any at least little complex game) had many rules added, removed, or changed during the times. smile

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown