Originally Posted by Dustmen
Okay, first, these names are garbage.

Then we have to ask where all these magical items are coming from, and why they are where they are.

Perhaps it should be pointed out to the devs exactly what page in the dungeon masters guide magical item creation is located (128-129), because they seem to think they're so common and so easy to make that enchanters would not only name these items frivolously, but invest the time, resources, and money into creating set items for very low level adventurers, and then losing them.

I applaud the desire to be creative, I think they should make a few magical items unique to the developer, but in the same vein, they should understand the in game creation process and rarity of the items they are feeding into the world.

Just becaue it only takes the devs fifteen minutes to code in a suit of frosty armor flakes or a sword kabob, doesn't mean they should, or that the rules allow it. If they didn't want to take this title seriously, they should have made DoS3.
My thoughts exactly.

I'm starting to find their blatant disregard for an existing setting and ruleset really frustrating and arrogant, really. People are coming to a D&D game expecting to play D&D, not some Divinity sequel with a D&D facade. The MMO style item grind is one of the main things I never want to see in a D&D title. A studio can put their own stamp on D&D and Forgotten Realms without completely overriding the spirit of the ruleset and the setting. Tone it the ¤%&# down, Larian.

The fact that players have to ask "are these worth using" already shows how the spirit of D&D is not in this design. Magic items are supposed to be rare and awesome. They are supposed to make sense in the game world. No one would enchant an Axe that only works when the wielder is half dead. Why would you add such a senseless condition to a weapon? D&D magic items are not expendable junk you find in every nook and cranny and constantly upgrade. And that's what they said in the beginning of EA. Clearly they don't believe in D&D and what makes it unique anymore or changed their minds after players who have been conditioned to MMO's complained about the lack of items.

How many new conditions/status effects do we now have? Burning, Frostburn, Infested, Hamstrung, Chest Trauma, Shocked, Electrocuted, Wrath, Momentum, Lightning Charges, Blooded, "less than 50% hp", "when you heal / jump / dash"... I've completely lost count. A bazillion very minor status effects coming from a bazillion homebrew magic items. It's an unnecessary mess. A more complicated game does not equal a better game. With this, less is more. In both the number of magic items and the style of properties they have.