Well, I don't consider +1 items boring when they're 100% reliable all the time, instead of relying on a mechanic that means I have to waste my action with a 'Dash' (I get that it's probably aimed at thieves, but I can't *stand* Astarion. :P ) in order to get 'charges' of something that may or may not be usable for my current character. My current game is a Seldarine Drow dual-weapon fighter with the dual-wielding style, AND the dual-wielding feat (non-light weapons and a +1 to AC). She's got a 16 Dex, a +1 rapier in each hand (finesse!), +1 scale mail, and a +1 longbow as backup, and she pretty much mows through most enemies in a round or two. (I've gotten her the "Helmet of Haste" as well... that extra movement for the first 3 rounds of combat IS useful.)

I mean, it works, and it's very straightforward. I can't argue with that. laugh