She has too much testosterone for me.

A woman's strength is in her ability to calm and diffuse.

Add a strong sword arm, bow arm, or magic she understands "aggressive negotiations".

Give her strength of character and the wisdom to be sharp in the moment...followed by the whole "calm and diffuse" thing, well now she is respectable and discerning.

...Lead off with ghetto mouth and an abrasive feminist vibe (with a hint of Mary Sue), then you can go back to Avernus where you came from.

..Just me, but she reeks of hard pass.

P.S. Feminist Vibe: Woman are better in every way, and I don't need you. Be a good boot licker and maybe I can tolerate you. There are many degrees of this of course, this being a caricature. Respect goes two ways.

Last edited by Van'tal; 05/04/22 02:21 AM.