Unlimit Short Rests so that you don't just get 2.

Dirt and blood is cleaned off after Short Rest. So, if you don't like it, Short Rest and remove it right away.

Limit Short Rests via Hit Dice - you know, like D&D 5e rules state. Hit Dice are not that difficult to understand. 1 Per Character Level. When you Short Rest, you can use as many as you like.

But, it's a video game, and Short Rests can replenish Warlock spell slots and other special abilities. So, to balance, make it so that you can Short Rest even if you've used up all your Hit Dice (for things like cleaning off dirt, etc.), but if you've used up your Hit Dice you don't get the benefits of Healing and Spell Slot/ Special Ability resets (like Action Surge and Second Wind and Warlock spells).

So, if you're a level 3 Warlock, you get 3 Hit Dice. If you don't use Hit Dice during a Short Rest, you don't get your Spell Slots back. You have to at least use 1 Hit Dice to get spell slots back. So, you could get 3 Short Rests at Level 3 and thus reset your spell slots 3 times per day. Other characters might use a Hit Die and get their Special Abilities and Spell Slots back, but if you don't use a Hit Die, you don't.

Several birds... one stone.