Originally Posted by Alexlotr
I don't understand why would you ever change what is clearly written in dnd rules unless it's difficult to implement in a videogame format - in this case it's totally understandable to change/not implement something. But there is nothing difficult in implementing the shove as the dnd shove. Action and 5 ft/prone.

Is it that they want to tweak things for the sake of tweaking and "making it their own way"? Just why. I want Larian dnd game, not Larian Larian-dnd game. Just why.

And to top all of it the current implementation is not just not in the spirit of the system but also plain bad. Let's also make a poke bonus action to poke eyes and permanently blind creatures with eyes by the way.

I think it's fine that they add their own flavor to the game.
But it looks like they tried to create "a Larian experience in a DnD setting" rather than "a DnD/BG experience enhanced with their own mechanics".

The verticality of the map really enhance the shove action of DnD. It's interresting, fun, surprising, less anecdotal...
But as a bonus action + push miles away they turned it into a barely funny joke that is repeated over and over again.

It's the same with surfaces. I guess it could be cool to put the ground on fire or to electrify water in a DnD session... But they also overdone it with tons of surfaces arrows + surfaces potions + surfaces attacks + other sources of surface + everything is burning + walking with your boots on an invisibility potion makes you become invisible + diping your wooden weapon into a fire surface makes it become a fire damage weapon + ...

It's the same with many things if you think about it.
It's a Larian game in a DnD setting rather than a DnD game with the Larian touch.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 16/04/22 06:08 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus