Originally Posted by Archaven
Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Araanidim
It's like the initial decision to not bother trying to make the mechanics of the game anything more than a Divinity clone (turn based, restricted view, et al... I'm guessing, I never actually bothered to play it) ruins all the other great effort by the rest of your team that would almost make this a fantastic, wonderful, and enchanting game otherwise.
"Clone" is not accurate, but BG3 does inherit a lot of issues that plagued D:OS2 - to lesser extend as armor mechanic pretty much negated running through surfaces or triggering traps, which I suppose was an issue in itself. Considering how ambitious BG3 I wouldn't accuse of lazyness - sloppyness perhaps. I know it's a game in development, but not having basics nailed out, like moving your characters and managing party feeling smooth and responsive is a very bad sign. From the little I understand of game development (and not all companies develop games same way) that stuff should have been figured out long ago - so probably we will get stuck with what we have.

I think its pretty accurate...

The inventory and items.
The UI, map, cursor, character selection etc etc.
The characters and number of companions.
The silly gameplay gimmicks.
The static environment, zones with no time.

What can you expect then, its a Larian game right? Wrong. This isn't a DOS game, but Baldur's gate! Instead of building an engine from scratch we got recycled DOS2 crap with extra <Baldurs gate tm> code sauce slapped on top of it, and a new motion capture studio for cinematic dialogues...prob the only thing NEW and <innovative>? to the table.

In my mind a new gen. of BG3 game = REMOVE 90% of CINEMATIC DIALOGUES (10% for major story scenes) and ADD=

At VERY LEAST 20 super detailed playable companions. BG2 had 15+(not so detailed for many).
Having so many companion options, opens up for a party of MINIMUM 5.
There were 120ish Spells in BG2. Make it 200+ plus abilities for BG3 all in line with D&D.
Reactive Day/Night cycles, with dynamic quests based on when and where. Amazing next gen weather/atmosphere effects.
A boat load of creatures. There were already HUNDREDS in BG2. Make them super accurate from the D&D world. No level 4 Dragons.
Even more branching LONG and INTERESTING dialogues with a MULTITUDE OF CHOICES and impactful decisions on the world.
EVEN MORE super interesting multi-branched quests.

+1. can't say it better myself.

Adding to this, have just under 8 companions, just 4 playable, less creatures, less spells, no day/night , no detailed written dialogue options (100% cinematics, so your stuck with baddly acted short one liners <short> sentences basically) ...really takes balls to pull that off calling it Baldur's Gate.
We got less content, but hey its nice and shiny and <new>.
BG3 at this current state will be completely forgettable, while BG2 will keep its legendary status.
Forget shove. Thats just peanuts.. . Am I truly the only one here who can see who BAD the cinematics look and are killing/stalling this game's development?? The acting, art style, the animations...to my eyes everything looks dated and like a cringy PG13 B flick.

My impressions on whats going on at Larian is this. They are still 95% committed to just working on cinematics right now, still after 2 years. Its so much a pain in the ass to make it work....Its a road block to more creative content. But its their ticket to become a <<AAA>> studio for the masses.
All the rest is still on back burner; we got extremely <minor> changes up to now. UI, gameplay, graphics, D&D, atmospherics, sound, classes/kits, companions...you know, stuff that actually matters to cRPG fans more than flashy Tell tale pretty face stuff. Because SEX and having a boner ( pardon the expression) sells more than anything else.

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 17/04/22 07:37 AM.