Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Icelyn
No chores for me, please! I love unlimited fast travel, unlimited inventory, and unlimited resting! The more quality of life stuff the better.
It sounds like what you want Is a Command console. You might even be able to inta-kill enemies! No need to play the game at all. Just type what you want and it happens.

Yup thats basically it.
For most people here RPGs are a chore now...console Command whatever you want to win and be done with it.
Clicking stuff and moving around is such a chore. So archaic and old school.
Soon the closest thing to an RPG experience we will get are auto-running Tell tale games you just watch. Because STORY is everything right? But that too will become a chore. I mean, you have to turn on your computer and start the game.

And since all RPGs will in essence become just Tell tale movies, I am calling it; THE FUTURE of RPG gaming are couple minutes clips watching OTHER PEOPLE game rpg games. smile Its the least amount of chores and effort for the max amount of content and satisfaction.

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 30/04/22 11:30 PM.