Originally Posted by Rhobar121
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Rhobar121
A short rest should just heal your team to 100%.
This would make it really make sense to click this button instead of using the long rest.
The current amount of healing is sadly low.

With hit dices the players could choose to be fully healed or not. A button to be 100% healed without any other mechanic would not make sense AT ALL...

Why not? The arguments like "it's not how RAW works" is useless. If you might as well use a long rest to heal your hp then why waste time and use a short rest.
Changing the short rest would make it a profitable button, it is not always worth wasting time on a long rest, especially if you do not need to replenish resources apart from hp.

It's not about RAW or not, it's just that a button to heal yourself is a stupid and uninterresting mechanic gameplay-wise.

Healing cost some ressources in some games (i.e potions to manage), have some requirement in others (i.e healing spots to find) and is free in other (i.e auto replenish after combats).

Short rest is neither free, neither a ressource to manage. Being able to be fully healed faster twice (short rests) before being able to be fully healed a bit slower (long rest) doesn't make any sense gameplay-wise, as you said in other words.

RAW suggest something else. You may like it or not but it make sense gameplay-wise. I agree that the system as is in BG3 doesn't.
That's why adding hit dices (a ressource to manage) eventually with an "auto roll" option for Icelyn and Ragnarok would be very good imo.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 14/05/22 08:15 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus