Originally Posted by Icelyn
Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
And even if they're not going to tell us who they are or introduce them in EA, they should be able to tell us how many companions we're going to have available. Surely if they think they're going to release the game next year, they have to have that much info settled. Even if they haven't impleneted stuff, they should be at a stage where they're certain on what they can actually do. Especially since those aspects would need a good amount of planning ahead of time. I would imagine that number of companions and choice of classes are things that should have been settled long ago.
I would like to know the number of companions, too (if it is final)!😊

Not me! Throughout the game I would like to cherish the feeling that every character that I encounter might be a companion. Reaching the point of knowing you have a full roster is like dying a litle. It feels a like the beginning of the end, the journey downhill until the game ends. It is just like the point when you realise there are no new quests coming in.

Let´s compare it with real life: How much fun would your life be if at birth you are made known the number of good friends you are going to have?