Originally Posted by Natureboy
I'm a professional biologist, a volunteer wildlife rehabber (like Nettie, with whom I had an instant bond, particularly since Blue Jays are my great favorites among North American birds). I'm also a hobbyist non venomous snake keeper who coexists with wild American Black Bears, Canadian Lynx, Bobcats, and Coywolves, and other potentially dangerous wildlife, none of which have any remaining equivalents in the wild in Larian's Germany because rhey were systematically exterminated centuries ago. This means that their writers' perspective on 'real world' Wolves, bears, etc is based on what they see safely confined in zoos or in entertainment mefia, NOT on their wild counterparts! Vipers do exist in Germany, in the fotm of the fairly rare Adder (Viper berus). However, Germany, despite the genocides of the Third Reich, still has many Roma, while they are very scarce to nonexistent in the neighborhoods of most of this thread's readers and commenters.

"Reality" is a product of surroundings based experience, and subjective perception!

As I mentioned earlier, we Germans also don't use the word "race" when it comes to humans - with some rare exceptions tbf. This is obviously the case because of what we had to suffer through in WW2. (Just to be clear, "we" were also victims for the most part. My grandma had little to eat, was nearly raped and *forced* to do the Hitler salute as a child - I call that a victim) So we call humans, that look different, ethnicities. And, as I also mentioned earlier, "human races" do not even exist.

Or what is your perspective as a biologist? Do you call people of different skin color "races"? I mean, the difference is very minute if you look past the superficial, isn't it? I know many (probably most?) biologists would agree.

On a side-note, Larian is in Belgium. Their flag has the same colors as ours, but their stripes are vertical, ours are horizontal. They probably have the same lack of wildlife though.