Oh. Was I trying to convince you? Sorry. Didn't know you were Larian.

"Tying dialogues to Short Rest is mechanicaly impossible ... i thought we are allready beyond that, since it was repeated at least dozen times. O_o"

Is it? Did you actually prove it's impossible? Do you really know? I wasn't aware you were Larian.

"Amount of Short Rest was never an issue as far as i know ... you were coplaining that Long Rests are more effective and therefore there is no reason to use Short one ... that will remain unchanged even if you get 20 Short Rests per day. :-/"

It is an issue. That's my point. 2 SRs mean you'll SR less and LR more.

"You control who heals and how much ... okey, that is good point ...
But how exactly is that better compared to curent system where everyone heals quite a lot? O_o
And you dont need to check another resource. O_o"

I thought I made that clear. By controlling it with HD, you can SR more than 2 times per day with various party members. Has Gale used all his HD? Switch him out and bring in Wyll. Adventure continues. Same day. Adventure day extended.

"Arcane recovery on Short Rest sounds like good idea ... but dont get mad, its the only good idea. :-/"

Thank you for your opinion. Smiley winky face.

Last edited by GM4Him; 12/06/22 09:37 PM.