Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by gaymer
Their writer PR guy had to defend this massive time sink of PFH series on Twitter from the likes of us.
I've noticed the subreddit is having a field day with that stuff.
Because of course there's no target more convenient to hit than strawman not hitting back.

I don't think many people were ACTUALLY concerned about the PFH "slowing down development" in general, so it's a clarification that doesn't really solve anything.

Personally what I don't like about them is that all this pageantry creates a filter that slow down any direct communication.
When instead of talking to your community on a regular basis about what you are working on and what's coming you need to have a once-in-a -blue-moon over-produced variety show filled with awkward gags, how can that NOT be the case?

Case in point: we have a show in two days to promote the upcoming update and no one has the faintest clue of what it's supposed to introduce, aside for the bard class.

EDIT- Then again, this is the type of content that gets quickly popular there (well, that and massive simping brigades):


It's basically like having a board filled just with JandK clones getting catty at anyone expressing any malcontent about anything.
Yeah i hate all the simping and raaah look at these idiots not knowing how game development works arent we better then them types, then they proceed to write 16 paragraphs about how larian have got everything perfect and if you disagree, your a bg1/2 boomer scrub

I used to read the reddit a lot but its all mostly fan art simping or hive mind mentality and i really cba with it