Originally Posted by Drath Malorn
Well, not that it really matters that much at this point.
We are possibly a couple of patches away from release and everything must be pretty much set in stone.

But yeah, while I wouldn't really expect devs to have open debates with their users on their forum, I don't think it was irrational to expect some occasional report like "Feedback we are aware of (and conclusions about the design we are drawing from it)" or "What we are working on" between patches.
Instead here we go with thew secrecy, the pageantry, the attempt to build hype... And the LONG stretches of complete silence in between.

And the hype often translates in disappointment too.
As I said previously, I went in the EA under the DELUSION that we would get most of the basic classes in the first 6-8 months and we'd spend the remaining time waiting for fancier stuff (classes, significant mechanical changes, dramatic visual improvements, content, whatever...).
Instead we a trimester away from two full years of EA and still waiting for three of the basic classes to be included )well, two after the bard comes in tomorrow, I guess).

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN