Originally Posted by gaymer
The entire EA has dragged on far too long (some of it isn't Larian's fault) and many people have put the game down and are bored of it all. It's not that much activity around here anymore when we're far removed from a patch.

I think this is the biggest problem with this game, the fanbase and hype around it. 2+ years, potentially even 3+ years in Early Access is just too much.

But Baldur's Gate 3 being in EA so long has kind of made it feel like a 'game as a service'... only that game is completely unfinished and lacking polish for the 2+ years it has been running.

They are also clearly saving a ton of stuff until release and because of that it makes the patches for the 'game as a service' feel underwhelming since they clearly aren't showing us everything they are completing (even in Act 1, with classes, races, character models, spells/skills, quests, companions, etc) - but just little glimpses. They are also mostly revealing things people already know are coming or are going to be in the game itself - nothing they are revealing is a very big surprise at the moment. So it is like a game as a service... but you are only getting about 10-20% of what the devs are actually completing.