While it may be difficiult to find even single person who wants everything exactly by the book and not even a slightest change ever ... Comunity as a whole contains many fragments of such person ...
One person want spells to be more like DnD ... One person want monsters to be more like DnD ... One person want reactions to be more like DnD ... One person want weapons to be more like DnD ... One person want magical artefacts to be more like DnD ... One person want resting systems to be more like DnD ... Etc.
And if you merge them all together [...]
Doesn't sound like you're disagreeing to me. Sounds like you're agreeing with me that such a person is not, in fact, here... since in order to achieve such an entity, as you say yourself, you'd have to merge many different people together... and even then, by your own reasoning, you'd just end up with someone who wanted more than is currently present, and more similar to the system it was advertised as... not someone who demands a pure and literal translation.
I do, indeed, want all of those things you mentioned, personally... and yet I am not a D&D purist, I am not obsessed with the rules, and I am not wanting nor expecting the game to be a strict 5e simulator - and again, no such person exists here, or ever has to my knowledge. Some people like to joust at windmills on distant hills, however, so they imagine that anyone asking for more D&D in this advertised-as D&D game must be a raving zealot... because that is the only way their derision seems at all rational, when in reality it isn't, even remotely.
I'd like this D&D game to more resemble the system it was advertised as being a game for; I'm wanting (but no longer expecting or even hoping for, let's be honest), a video game that is clearly based in 5e D&D and is a reasonable adaptation of the system to a video game format.