Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
One person want spells to be more like DnD ...
One person want monsters to be more like DnD ...
One person want reactions to be more like DnD ...
One person want weapons to be more like DnD ...
One person want magical artefacts to be more like DnD ...
One person want resting systems to be more like DnD ...

And if you merge them all together, you get exactly that ... DnD purist who basicaly wants game simulator of tabletop rules. laugh
So i wouldnt discart this desire ... since it IS there ... in some form. smile
It's almost like it's supposed to be a game based on an OFFICIAL D&D license, rather than your average backyard table with a million of questionable homebrew rules thrown in for shit and giggles.

Then again, I'm never even been particularly invested in D&D itself, so it would be already something if they could at least come up with changes that feel like actual improvements, rather than "Amateur DM thinks he knows better and messes up everything he touches".
It's somewhat hilarious that all the greatest mechanical improvements we got in EA so far consisted pretty much in Larian reverting some of the most questionable changes they introduced to begin with.
Remember when doing a couple of steps around an opponent was enough to get ADVANTAGE, to name one?

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN