Originally Posted by Lake Plisko

I am not a D&D expert by any measure. But from playing Early Access it seems like the ability score feat is also always the best choice.

If that is the case even like 75%+ of the time, then just give everyone ability score increases at whatever level intervals and allow everyone to pick feats apart from it. Seems like a much more interesting system to me.
While that's often the case in general, it's also worth stressing that it doesn't help that the game currently implement a very limited selection of Feats (something that modders are apparently already trying to address until Larian steps up).

I do agree in general with your second point that ASI and Feats should be considered two separate upgrades. Not just because it's convenient to the player (more power ups are always tasty, of course) but also because it helps to increase build variety.
It's hard to pick the situational flavor-fueled option if you have to give up to the unquestionable and universally useful upgrade in power, for it,

Last edited by Tuco; 22/07/22 01:03 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN