Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Flooter and mrfuji3
[discussing reactions that are applicable to every (or many) rolls, and thus it'd be terrible to ask the user for input on every roll]

That's literally the same case of the hypothetical "INTERRUPT" mechanic I was talking with GM4Him few posts above:

I'm not sure how to feel about the mechanic, but it would be the ONLY way to be faithful to the tabletop without a confirmation prompt at literally every action taken.
As I posted in the other thread (I think. Honestly I've lost track at this point), I want zero time-dependent things in my TB mode. Especially since BG3 combat currently might be too fast to actually allow "Interrupt" actions, and I certainly don't want combat to be made slower. I'm willing to sacrifice some 5e faithfulness/balance for this. E.g., a single subclass-specific wizard ability like Portent

Originally Posted by Tuco
I don't like particularly systems that require timing in a turn-based system, in general, but I could see something of that type work as an exception with SOME SPECIFIC skills, like Cutting words, which has the problem of being basically impossible to use with the ordinary pop-up system, since practically any action could trigger one.
Basically it's a different type of "reaction" that I would call an "interrupt", as it can be called practically at any time. Like an "instant" in Magic the Gathering.

I wouldn't want this system for AoO, Counterspell, Hellish Rebuke, and all the more common, more typical situational reactions.
Cutting Words...is a bit more complicated. It could only prompt you if the roll would make a difference in whether the attack hits or not (Yes I know technically you're not supposed to know whether the roll succeeds or not, but in BG3 - and often in tabletop - you'll almost certainly know. You can inspect enemies after all.) which would reduce the number of prompts, but it'd still be a LOT.

I'm not sure how I'd implement Cutting Words, but I'd prefer a pre-action system (or almost anything) over a time-dependent Interrupt. Of course it could have 3 options: Interrupt / auto / off.