I realize you just don't want to accept my word for it, but I have to insist:
I'd still prefer to be prompted on a case-by-case basis (and let's be real, it's not like you get FIVE chances at AoO in each turn to begin with) while reacting to things that actually happen rather then wasting more than 2 seconds setting up a "precog reaction" for something that in the end never happens.

And when I say "I prefer it" I don't mean "It's a tough choice but in the end I had to make a pick".
I mean by a wide margin. Not even close. A complete no contest.

Like, I'd ENJOY being prompted a reaction and getting a chance to make a decision on the spot, while conversely I'd rather keep the automated reactions we have now rather than having in place a system where I'm supposed to set up impromptu scripts predicting what's to come.

Seriously, at least as long as we are talking about something basic like AoO and not a counterspell, so with no waste of finite resources involved, I'll stick with "toggle for automation" over "preplanning".

Last edited by Tuco; 24/07/22 05:26 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN