Originally Posted by robertthebard
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by UmbraCore
I can't wait for people to get a mod that allows more companions and then to complain about the game being too easy.
Lets say they do ...
So what? O_o

Well, for starters, I'll get to point and laugh. If it follows the same pattern as what happened in DDO, I'll also get banned from the forums, because you're not allowed to point and laugh at people that get what they wanted, and then aren't happy with it.

DDO forums: We need a higher difficulty than Elite.
Me: OK, but once they introduce it, they shouldn't spend any more dev time on it because "it's too hard".
DDO Devs: Release Reaper mode, after two years of debate on the forums.
DDO forums: But this is "stupid hard" and needs to be nerfed.
Me: Points and laughs, because I predicted this very scenario.
DDO forums: REPORT POST "he hurt my feelings"
DDO community manager: Permanent ban for melting snowflakes.

That's one scenario that could play out. Then we could get "but it's too easy" Tuesday, well, maybe Wednesday, because Taco Tuesday? We had that on the old BSN, with "Not the Warden Wednesday", where every week there'd be a new thread about how (insert whichever Dragon Age game here) was going to suck because it wasn't going to be the Warden, and a list of 1,000 reasons it needed to be, despite DA 2 running concurrent with Dragon Age Origins at the start, which would mean that the Warden would have to be both fighting the Blight in Ferelden, and going to Kirkwall, at the same time.
I don't see the problem.