Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Lyelle
It feels very strange, because the day should not even be over by then.
What makes you say that?

There is one situation in particular where it feels very odd for me to take a long rest in between. I would think that the fight with the goblins at the druid grove gate, talking to Zevlor, talking to Zorru and talking to Nettie could all take place on the same day.
From a role-playing perspective, I would try to talk to Zorru and Nettie as soon as possible, since it is extremely urgent to find a cure. But as a player, I know that one dialogue scene only seems to trigger after you have talked to Zorru about the Githyanki patrol, but before you have spoken to Nettie. So I have to take a long rest before talking to Nettie, or else I would miss this scene.

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Or ... when should be the day over?

It is difficult to say, but since a long rest should be at least 8 hours, maybe after approximately 12-16 hours would have passed? But it is a bit difficult to determine how much time would pass when travelling from one place to another, for example. If I would not have to be afraid to miss the companion scenes, I would take long rests in the same intervals as UmbraCore, one long rest for each "chapter".