I already mentioned it elsewhere and (in a summarized form) in the past pages of this thread, but at this point in time more than any VANE hope that Larian could support the feature in any form, my main concern is about Larian removing the arbitrary stopgaps.

- The first boat travel in the Underdark instantly killing-and-removing-from-your-party any extra character above 4, for instance (something you can somewhat work around by removing these characters manually before and then regrouping them)
- The inventory window getting wider than the screen (and with a scrollbar on the bottom) BUT not supporting the mousewheel to scroll the window more conveniently.
- The default formation being freaking awful, with your characters positioning in an unnecessarily widespread triangular setup.

Etc, etc.

Even Larian people when they stated the intent to settle for 4 characters before the EA started (and as usually giving some pretty terrible reasons for it) cheerfully added that "modders will be able to add more if they want". Well, what about not making these modders' job way harder that it has any need to be, then?

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN