Originally Posted by lilaque
Idk if anyone else has said something like this but honestly the best way to do it imo is keep the layout as it is and tweak like this:

Reaction toggled on = automatic yes no matter what.
Toggled off = ask the player whenever the opportunity rises to use it - left click for yes right click for no.
Removed from hotbar (or a third toggle maybe, with a red X across the icon) = automatic no, no matter what.

I don't want to be bombarded with yes/no's every turn for reactions I barely use. Being able to fully customise the rate of automatic uses (and not-uses) per reaction would be way more streamlined, and then you can have the yes/no for the most situational of them all.

The present preset suggestion is something more like this:

Toggle Reactions Prompts - On/ Off

Attack of Opportunity - All Enemies/ Selected Enemies/ Off

Shield Spell - All Hits/ Magic Missile Only/ Other Only (And it only triggers if the attacker hits by AC +5 or less so that you only use Shield if it will make the enemy miss.}/ Off

Counterspell - All Spells/ Default Spell List Only/ Selected Spell List Only/ Selected Enemies/ Off