Ok, this is one of my biggest issues with this game. I understand it's still in development and if it's planning on getting changed then cool. However why is the UI getting worked on more than one of the core gameplay mechanics. Why is taking a reaction like an "attack of opportunity" a passive? A reaction in D&D 5E is a seperate action that a player has the option to use. Like with the spell "counter spell" you could choose to try and counter an enemy casting a spell or you could let them cast it in favor of taking the "attack of opportunity" if you think an enemy will move out of your melee range.

I'm a huge fan of the OG baldur's gate games and a huge fan of D&D. I know the rules for 5E quite well. Making the reactions work like this is taking away a huge part of gameplay. The way this game is doing reaction makes absolutly zero sense. I just redownloaded it and started a new game. First thing I checked was to see if that was changed. Nope still a dumb passive that you have no control over. Just toggle it on/off. I already want to uninstall it just for that.

Does anyone know if they are at least planning on changing it to the way it actually works in 5E or the better game Solasta? Because if they are not going to change reactions then I'm uninstalling and never touching this game again.