As someone who has put several hundred hours into the game, I'm curious about other people's experiences with it. I play on quite low difficulty, with a lot of stuff tuned down specifically so that things are just challenging enough for me to have use a decent variety of spells and abilities without things getting overwhelming and without having to use a whole bunch of pre-buffs. I didn't even start doing that until my most recent run , 600+ hours in, because I didn't really absorb how useful that was until that point. I'm genuinely curious why people play on higher difficulties when they don't enjoy them. Especially since WotR lets you adjust so many variables. I know I wouldn't enjoy the high difficulty with high-stat enemies, and I don't even try it. So I sincerely wonder why people don't just lower enemy abilities until they find somewhere that's more their speed. Unless of course finding their speed just isn't possible with the options available. But then, I also don't tend to care about game combat very much, and I think nothing of just turning difficulty all the way down and mowing through everything in real time for a while when I get tired of it and just want to go to the next story beat, then turn it back up later.