Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
I wonder if that comes from pattern of games typically saving the first night and the official forming of the relationship for the end of the game?
That would be my suspection aswell ...
I just dont like it to be honest. :-/ It just feels wrong, dunno how else to say it.

I mean, if you think about it ...
In Mass Effect for example ... they go sleep together just before final mission ... i would totally get the message "this is suicide mission, there is no guarantee we will come back, lets spend our time together" ... makes perfect sense ...
This is the way you can describe EVERY MISSION during whole game. laugh
I mean, yeah risk is probably biger in the last one ... but wouldnt you feel like an idiot if you would "wait for your special time with Liara" just to she shooted in the head (or worse) litteraly 1 mission before that? laugh
An lorewise, that can totally happen! I know we as players know well enough that our hero will last to the finish ... not exactly sure about our romance partner tho ... is there any logical reason to wait? laugh

Now dont get me wrong, i totally get when one of characters wants to "be sure" this is what they want ... just as Liara in first Mass Effect game, just as Aleister in Dragon Age, just as Shadowheart in BG-3 ...
That is totally fine!

But if two mature ... beings, who are spending every second of their life together, facing life threatening dangers on daily (hourly? :D) basis, are litteraly living on borrowed time and know well enough that they can die any time even if there will be no fighting ... both agree that they WANT to sleep with each other ...
Give me single reason they shouldnt. laugh I dont have any. laugh
It may sometimes raise a red flag about health of their relationship ... 100% agree ... but as we know, not all relationships are model examples. wink

What im trying to say is: Im glad Larian allowed our characters to have sex ... it feels right.
Cant say i really need explicitly show how they do it ... but i dont mind that either.

To me, this whole "lets wait for perfect moment, and then NEVER mention it again" is stupid concept, that should end, and therefore, this is step in right direction. :P

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 27/12/22 01:51 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown