Originally Posted by Back_Stabbath
I will never, ever understand the sort of people who can watch hours upon hours of wanton and graphic violence but suddenly start clutching their pearls at a 45-second sex scene.

The game is rated M. If you don't like games that are rated M, then don't play them.
I think there is difference in the way Larian handles violence and sex. Even so, it is a game set in Dungeon&Dragons setting, not whore houses and dildos. Is it so shocking that at least part of the audience is put off but soft porn cutscenes in their dungeon delving games? I mean FromSoftware games are pretty grim and violent, but I feel it would be a bit out of place if I run into sex scene.

On top of that, games tend to do violence very well and tend to attract people who enjoy that kind of entertainment. Games are adversarial in their nature. A sex scene cutscene is just that - an uninteractive cutscene. Existence of such content (uninteractive cutscenes) is questionable at best, especially if they are disposable.

I am also not keen on the vulgarity of the duergar.


So in your opinion M rating absolves the game from any criticism on its writing and content? I strongly disagree. Any content can be badly written/directed or just doesn’t benefit the movie/film/book from being there in the first place. Godfather book has this lengthy subplot about how big penis Sonny has, with entire subplot of a girl who had an unusually big vagina and only Sony could satisfy her, and so on and so on. The film mostly cut this subplot - and to anyones shock it is better for it!

That's crazy, I would lose respect for them if they deviated from implementing promised features in order to essentially make a version of the game that is rated T and delay the game even further.

Not every game is for everyone. If you believe it'd be unreasonable to ask Nintendo to add sex scenes to Animal Crossing
I think if another studio did an Animal Crossing game I think it would be fair to complain if that game had explicit sex scenes and profanities, which is the situation we have with BG3. BG1&2 are rated T.

Not that I personally expect them to do anything at this point, aside from making cutscenes at least a bit less bad. But they are not absolved from criticism - an age rating is reflection of the content in game, but is not a proof that this content should be there in the first place, or that it is done well. Ride to Hell had M rating and it was till rather crap (or so I heard).