Originally Posted by Maerd
Originally Posted by fylimar
A mod literally just said to knock off the insults and the very next post, you insult a user, just because they have a different opinion than you.

This would actually be an interesting topic if it were less toxic.
I'm fine with different opinions as long as they do not promote restriction and censorship.

Don't tell me that, let's say, having a racist opinion is fine because it's just an opinion.

Let me put it another way. If you do not care about whether or not you insult a person - you can look at what you are doing from a different perspective. What are you trying to achieve? That people you are talking with change their opinions? To promote your point of view? Then you achieve nothing. I actually agree with you about religion, but your attempts to persuade other people are futile at best. If you actually want to make other people listen - it is necessary to speak respectfully. It will be actually beneficial for you in the end.