Yeah. That's it. I'm out. It's sad to me, really, that no one here seems to think this is a problem in our world. But rape is people forcing themselves on someone sexually, and if someone is kidnapped and forced into prostitution, that is the same darn thing. Those who purchase prostitutes and encourage prostitution are encouraging this kind of thing. After all, if they didn't make money off of it, they wouldn't do it.

And I've done enough studies of civilizations throughout history. You all may think I'm an unedumacated moron who doesn't know a gosh darn thing about nothing because I just watched movies and assumed that theys was real and factual, but I've studied TONS of history and civilizations and religions and societies. It's one of the things I really love to do. I've delved into Greek history, especially Roman history because it coincided with Christianity, which I've studied Christian church history at length as well... Hindu history, Asian histories, South American... demons, witchcraft, Satanism, Paganism...

And this is what I've seen over and over and over again. When the people as a whole care about one another as a society and work together to try to help one another avoid doing things that are destructive, and when they have a moral standard and work to uphold it, the society flourishes. When people turn blind eyes to other people's problems and say, "Well. Not my problem. Just because YOU have that issue doesn't mean I have to stop doing what I'm doing," or "that's not my problem. That's a problem for the authorities," or "Who cares? I say 'Anything goes. Live and let live,'" societies start to degenerate and fall apart. It only takes a few generations before people are trashing one another, disrespectful, nasty, and overall unpleasant to talk to, live with, etc. It happens over and over and over again.

Rome flourished. Yep. It sure did. For hundreds of years. But it was a terrible empire in SO many ways. I REALLY don't want to live in anything close to a Roman Empire - either the Holy Roman one or otherwise. And yet, that's exactly where the world's culture is going.