Its not so restrictive in Dragon Age in the first place ...
There are 3 classes only in that game, none of them have any main stat (at least in last game, dont remember the second, and in first one all you need is at least one rogue, otherwise your party members doesnt matter at all) ...

So, unless you really dont want to, you can allways create group that will contain every important role (Warrior, Rogue, Mage) + your PC.

In DnD ... even if you look aside from classes themselves ... bcs lets be honest, most of them are basicaly just slightly different variations, or mixures of each other.
And focus on stats ...
You want someone with high Dexterity for traps and lockpicks ...
You want someone with high Strength for pushing, pulling, draging ... and carrying heavy stuff ...
You want someone with high Charisma to be face of your party ...
You want someone with high Intelligence to pass most checks in game ...
You want someone with high Wisdom, for saving throws if nothing else ... you dont really want whole party locked ...
And sometimes you also want high Constitution tank ...

Leaving two of theese things out bcs you have to simply dont feel good. :-/
One surely would argue (as they did in the past) that Constitution is not really specialization since everyone need it and you dont really *need* tank in this game ... that is both true, but i said want, not need. wink
And there certainly is second argument, that unless your Tav is Intelligence character, there is not much use of it, since we cant switch talker during conversation, nor ask our party members for advice (wich both sucks) ... but having bad system dont justificate making it even worse, at least not in my eyes. :-/

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown