Originally Posted by kanisatha
Looking at all the lists of people I have to ask, do you guys have/not have a *type* for the video games you like to play? I very much limit myself to RPGs for the most part, though I occasionally will play a city/base/empire-builder game. But many of you seem like you play games across a great many genres. Just curious about this. smile

I do enjoy RPGs, and a lot of the games I’ll buy and enjoy fall into that broad category. I also play a fair bit of Civ VI (and played Civ … II? back in the day), and did spend a fair bit of time with Rome: Total War though never got into its sequel or siblings. Also going back a while I enjoyed sim type and RTS games, and maybe I should try some modern successors to this kind of game but I’ve got out of the habit. I’ve also enjoyed point and click adventures and puzzle games in the past, but the more I think about it I definitely do seem to have got stuck in an RPG rut in recent years … decades?

I don’t tend to play games that require fast responses, good hand/eye coordination or fine control, because I’m rubbish at them. That rules out a lot of action games, particularly if I can’t pause. And I like getting story and dialogue or having stuff to do, and get bored quickly just wandering around looking at scenery however pretty, so open world exploration stuff is not my bag. I’ll still venture into open world action stuff, but I need a strong incentive in the form other features such as the game’s plot, characters, etc to put in the effort.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"