People who keep bringing up "balancing" seem to be intent on creating a strawman as their way of justifying denying people who want a bigger party. Not a single person on this thread who wants a party of six has ever asked for the game to be balanced for the bigger party size.
I mean, anyone can ask for an objectively flawed product, it wont change the fact that everyone and Larian will laugh at the suggestion.
So then the game is objectively perfectly balanced right now? LOL. What happens to that perfect balance when a player chooses to play with only a party of two? Are the devs balancing the game for that option? No, they are most certainly not. Does this then make the game "flawed"? No, it doesn't. So then what's the difference between a person playing an unbalanced game with a party of two versus a person playing an unbalanced game with a party of six? Absolutey zero difference. Well, except for that the option to play an unbalanced game with a party of two is available, whereas the option to play an unbalanced game with a party of six is denied.
The only time you have a party of two is after the nautiloid for a grand total of 10 minutes. You can choose to continue with a party of 2, but why would you when the game has been designed around 4? I understand that this case is a self imposed challenge that only a few person make conscientiously, and therefore it doesn't represent what BG3 is.