I said a little while back that I’d create a new megathread for Stealth, which with one thing and another I’ve not got around to, but I promise I will soon.

While I’m at it, is there any appetite for other new megathreads? Personally I find them useful when the same debates keep popping up, given they tend to be easier to find than a thread buried in the other forums. Plus they keep discussion in one, or at least fewer, places for ease of review and to help prevent good ideas or discussions being missed or getting lost. And at least to some extent reduce the number of times we end up repeating ourselves when a popular topic raises its head again.

Possibilities that spring to mind are shove, jump, conversation handling, companion dialogue triggers, looting, inventory management and character creation options.

But obviously it’s a balancing act, as if there are too many megathread topics it might defeat the purpose. Though I suppose some of the ones that have died down, eg due to changes in later patches, could also be cleared out and moved back to the general feedback forum.

Your thoughts and suggestions would be welcome!

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"